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3 reasons to dive Australia's reef with Taka Dive: 1. Shark feed at Osprey Reef, 2. Giant Potato Cod at Cod Hole, 3. Dwarf Mike WHale season!...
3 reasons to dive Australia's reef with Taka Dive: 1. Shark feed at Osprey Reef, 2. Giant Potato Cod at Cod Hole, 3. Dwarf Mike WHale season! ...
It’s dusk. Pairs of brilliantly colored mandarinfish meet and align themselves belly to belly. They begin an intricate mating ritual, spiraling upward in chor...
It’s dusk. Pairs of brilliantly colored mandarinfish meet and align themselves belly to belly. They begin an intricate mating ritual, spiraling upward in chor...
3 reasons we love Fiji for diving: 1. Fish, 2. Coral, 3. Sharks ...